integrated modelling

Integrated modelling, uncertainty and risk

We create integrated models to increase our understanding of water systems and the challenges they face. ​


We take an integrated approach to understanding how uncertainty and risk are assessed and managed in water systems. Our research is stakeholder focused – we work with organisations and governments to frame the problems and understand different perspectives. We then develop conceptual, mathematical and computer models that combine hydrological, social, ecological, economic and cultural aspects of water management. These models are calibrated to align with existing data and use sensitivity and uncertainty analysis methods to ensure the models are fit for purpose.​

Integrated models such as these are key to providing a holistic picture of water systems, which is needed to meet the water challenges of today and the future. The models and the data they generate are used to support system understanding and the potential future impacts of decision making, such as by stress testing and optimising potential policy and managements solutions.​

Modelling is increasingly being embedded into the operations of institutions and government. We work with organisations to improve their models and knowledge management, as well as to develop new ways of addressing complex water problems.​

A growing area of our work is developing digital twins – tools that combine models, data and local knowledge to provide a time-varying representation of a system, and that accumulate knowledge over time. Digital twins can help inform how system operations can be improved and where new knowledge is needed.​


  • Our work in this area builds on 30 years of experience in the ANU Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management Centre.​
  • Integrated modelling and assessment across disciplines and perspectives​
  • Uncertainty analysis and management​
  • Digital twinning​
  • Decision support​
  • Organisational knowledge management​


IWF Fellows

Research Fellow, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment & Society

Academic staff

Research Fellow, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment & Society

Key ANU Researcher, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment & Society

Key ANU Researcher, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment and Society

Allied researcher

Key ANU Researcher, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment & Society

Key ANU Researcher, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment and Society

Leadership team

Leadership Group Member, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU College of Science