Dr Steven Lade

Key ANU Researcher, Institute for Water Futures
Fenner School of Environment & Society

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Steve is an ARC Future Fellow at the Fenner School of Environment & Society. His Future Fellowship is on developing model-based tools for understanding and managing the resilience of water resources. He comes to IWF from a winding interdisciplinary journey via the Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, and originally a PhD in physics at ANU.


Research interests

I've worked on topics as diverse as the Baltic sea cod fishery, developing world agricultural communities, early warning signals for ecosystem tipping points, the physics of biological cells, justice and biophysical stability at the Earth system scale, dryland agricultural systems, and mosiac agricultural landscapes in Sweden. A common theme is using complex systems tools to study the resilience of social-ecological systems. I'm also increasingly interested in how the concept of resilience is used and misused in policy and practice. I look forward to bringing my skills and knowledge to bear on water futures!
